Local firm approved to produce Covid syringes globally



A Kenyan firm has put the country on the global map in the fight against Covid-19 after it became the only company in Africa licensed to produce Covid-19 vaccine syringes.

Revital Healthcare (EPZ) Limited is one of only six firms in the world approved by the World Health Organization to produce the specialized syringes.

On Thursday, Nigeria became the first country to receive the auto-disable syringes.

Auto-disable syringes are those that can only be used once. They are automatically disabled once used.

The first shipment of 800,000 pieces of the syringes worth Sh4 million to Lagos, Nigeria, left Moi International Airport in Mombasa on Wednesday at 5pm aboard Ethiopian Airlines.

The syringes will be used for Sputnik V, the first officially registered Covid-19 vaccine, which Nigeria received from Russia.

Speaking on phone on Saturday, Revital Healthcare sales director Roneek Vora said the company produces four million immunisation syringes a month, among a range of other medical products.

Because of the expertise and experience in production of immunisation syringes, the WHO granted Revital Healthcare the license to produce and sell WHO PQS-certified syringes, including fixed dose immunisation syringes 0.5ml, 2ml, 3ml and various other sizes.

“This approval made the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation approach us last month to pre-plan for the vaccine syringes.

“The foundation has partnered with us so as to mass-produce the vaccines syringes for them,” Vora said.

Revital Healthcare has been manufacturing 14 medical disposable products, including immunisation syringes, auto-disable syringes, Covid-19 testing kits, PPE kits and surgical face masks for the last 12 years.

They have been supplying the products to 14 African countries including six government agencies.

The countries include Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Madagascar, Mozambique and Malawi.

“In the 12 years that we have been in production, we have not received enquiries from outside Africa.

“But now, after the WHO license, we are getting enquiries from UK, the US, Brazil, Canada, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, among other countries,” Vora said.

Vora said for the first time they have exported face masks to the UK, showing the confidence other countries now have in the firm.

“This is largely because President Uhuru’s Big Four Agenda has empowered us and now we would encourage Kenyan firms to help promote local products through the ‘Buy Kenya, Build Kenya’ initiative,” Vora said.

Revital Healthcare located in Kilifi county has employed over 400 locals, majority of whom are women.

The manufacturer has offered to equip all the 47 counties with Covid-19 test kits, which can test at least 1,000 samples a day.

“The machines will be give for free, provided that 25,000 kits are purchased for VTM (Viral Transport Medium) for extraction and transportation,” Vora said.

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