Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) in Nyeri will Friday conduct its graduation ceremony virtually.
This is after the government banned public gatherings to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
University vice chancellor Ndirangu Kioni said Friday since more than 15 people cannot gather at once, the deans and directors will enter the graduation square one at a time and call out names of the graduands.
“Some of those who are supposed to be in the event will be in one of the rooms while the others will follow the proceedings on conferencing platforms from wherever they will be,” Kioni said.
The platforms will include YouTube and Facebook. Kioni said about 50,000 people are expected to follow the event online.
“In these uncertain times, it is hard to predict when the country will go back to normalcy so that traditional graduation can be held.”
The move to have a virtual event was resolved by the university senate.
Kioni said certificates will be ready for collection in two weeks.
“The university will hold a special ceremony for the graduating class after the pandemic to celebrate their graduation. The graduands will be given the option of hiring the graduation gowns at Sh500 after the pandemic for private celebrations,” a communication from the university indicated.