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Isiolo closes border points with Wajir and Garissa

Modogashe centre in Isiolo
Isiolo Emergency Response Team has ordered closure of the county’s border points with Wajir and Garissa at Modogashe and Malkagalla to curb spread of coronavirus following confirmation of two cases in Mandera County.
The county joins Marsabit that has already shut its borders with Mandera for 21 days in efforts to stop movement in and out of the two counties.
Governor Mohamed Kuti who co-chairs the Covid-19 committee with County Commissioner Herman Shambi said only movement of food supplies and other essential consignments will be allowed to the county through the two points.
“In efforts to stem coronavirus spread, we have ordered immediate closure of the border points to prevent people, vehicles and motorcycles from northern counties from passing through our county,” said Mr Kuti.
“Those transporting foodstuffs must, however, be subjected to temperature checks at the roadblocks that will be mounted within the border points before they are allowed in”
There are fears of chances of the virus spreading due to its proximity to the counties that neighbour Mandera which continues to trace about 100 people who came into contact with the two patients admitted at Mandera Referral Hospital.
The two confirmed cases, man and woman, returned from Europe and stayed in Kilifi before proceeding to Mandera through Kitui-Garissa-Wajir route.
Fourteen people, among them two police officers who resumed from leave in Kilifi and Mombasa, have been quarantined in Isiolo County with officials raising concerns over surge in number of visitors from Nairobi that has the highest reported cases.
The officers are being quarantined at Garbatulla High School with rest, including two families that travelled from Mombasa and Nairobi isolated at their homes in Jua Kali and Livestock Market Division areas.
The county boss appealed to members of Nyumba Kumi Initiative and chiefs to help track movements of people visiting the county from Nairobi to curb transmission of the virus.
While stressing on the need for residents to observe personal hygiene, social distancing and wearing of face masks, Mr Kuti asked them to report cases of visitors within their neighbourhood.
“The residents should instantly notify authorities of new persons within their vicinity so that they are screened by our team of health experts,” he noted, adding “It is not illegal to visit our county but those coming should at least be humane enough to report to us so that they are checked.”

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