I hate my work colleague, but I can’t avoid her, because we work so closely together. How can I reduce the hatred?
Dear Office Olive,
Unfortunately, short of changing jobs or transferring, there is really nothing you can do about your work colleague.
That’s what high school translates to in a adult life – having to learn to pay nice with people who you have to see all the time but don’t necessarily want to.
You can keep your interactions to a minimum, and try and practice not reacting when they irritate you.
It’s not easy, but you’ll eventually get the hang of it, just like you used to do with your prefects.
Workmates are the worst, but much like a river, it’s easier to go with the flow of whatever the day brings than to resist the current.
That just makes you put a whole lot of energy into trying to change a whole person who isn’t going to change. (also, hate is a strong word. Why do you hate her? Did she steal your mandazi? What happened?)