More than 1,200 gambling machines were Friday seized by detectives at a private residence in Nairobi’s Runda estate.
Confirming the incident, Gigiri Sub-County Commanding Police Officer Richard Muguai said officers received a tip-off from members of the public.
“A tip to the police station on Thursday led us to begin our investigations and send officers to check the house.
“At the house we found a green tent outside that was well covered and after opening we found more than 1,200 slot coin machines,” he said.
Mr Muguai further said that the house was unoccupied, save for a gardener at the compound who opened the premises for the police.
“There is no one currently at the house and we are doing investigations to find the owners and tenants of the house. The gardener could not tell us much about who lived there and only told us that the machines were brought to the house in 2018,” he added.
Preliminary investigation according to the police boss show that the slot machines were brought to the house by three foreigners. The foreigners were of Chinese, Tanzanian and Zambian nationalities.
The police boss said no arrests have been made yet.