Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary- General Wilson Sossion got a reprieve after court suspended the gazette notice in which the Teachers Service Commission deregistered him. Labour Court suspended the gazette notice until the hearing and determination of the case.
Mr Sossion had argued that he risked being thrown out as the Knut secretary-general following the move by TSC to remove him from teachers’ register after he was nominated by Orange Democratic Movement to Parliament.
The orders were issued by Justice Stephen Radido on Monday. On November 1, TSC gazetted the deregistration Mr Sossion as a teacher.
“Pursuit to section 30 of the Teachers Service Commission Act, the Teachers Service Commission has removed the name of the individual named herein from the register of teachers,” read the gazette notice signed by chief executive officer Nancy Macharia.
Ms Macharia said under the law, Mr Sossion should not engage in teaching in any school.
TSC issued notice of deregistration to Mr Sossion in July this year and gave him 90 days to appeal the decision in bid to force him to relinquish his position at the giant trade union.