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Police arrest reporters Irene Mugo and Lydia Nyawira

Two journalists have been arrested by police while on duty in Nyeri.
Irene Mugo of Daily Nation and Lydia Nyawira of the Standard had just finished an interview with the relatives of a man arrested for wearing a T-shirt carrying a message presumed to be against Deputy President William Ruto.
The two are being held at Mukurwe-ini police station. Their mobile phones and notebooks were confiscated.
Albert Nderitu was wearing the T-shirt printed #Kieleweke to an event presided over by Mr Ruto on Sunday in Nyeri.
arrested by police
Albert Nderitu. He was arrested by police in Nyeri. PHOTO | GUCHU NDUNG'U | NATION MEDIA GROUP
Mr Ruto's press secretary David Mugonyi distanced security officers attached to the Deputy President from the arrest.
"We are not aware of any arrests. The police attached to the Deputy President are not aware of it," Mr Mugonyi said.

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