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Matiang’i: On-spot traffic fines to start in 30 days,

A traffic police officer arrests a boda boda rider
The government will start imposing instant fines on minor traffic offences in the next 30 days, Interior Cabinet Secretary, Fred Matiang'i said on Wednesday.
Dr Matiang'i said the rules would enhance convenience in the judicial process and reduce the number of inmates in prisons.
“There are currently 6,000 to 7,000 people on remand for traffic offences and each of them may be consuming Sh6,000 which to me does not make economic sense,” Dr Matiang'i said.
The CS announced that together with his counterparts; Joe Mucheru (ICT) and James Macharia (Transport and Infrastructure), they had formed a taskforce that will come up with the best framework for implementing the new rules.
The taskforce, which will be chaired by principal secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Esther Koimett, will lead consultations with the Judiciary, the National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA), and the offices of the Attorney-General and Solicitor-General to see to it that the new regulations take effect as planned.
“These rules make economic sense since most of the traffic offenders held in remand end up paying fines less than the amount the government spends to sustain them,” Dr Matiang’i said at the Kenya School of Government where he officiated the opening of the Inspector-General’s Conference.

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