Nyamira County government has terminated the contract of County Secretary Eric Onchana Aori for undisclosed reasons.
Deputy Governor Amos Nyaribo said they acted within the law and that as a government they have the power to hire, sack, promote and transfer.
Mr Nyaribo handed the termination letter to Mr Aori on behalf of Governor John Nyagarama who is away for a medical check-up.
Mr Nyagarama has delegated his duties to Mr Nyaribo who will act as governor till he reports back.
Mr Aori will be required to report back to his old station at the Ministry of Lands headquarters where he was seconded to Nyamira County.
Mr Nyaribo said his boss is off duty undergoing a routine medical check-up.
In accordance to the governor’s instructions, Mr Aori handed over to deputy County Secretary Thomas Nyariki who will act until a substantive appointment is made.
In Mr Nyagarama’s absense, according to the County Governments Act, Mr Nyaribo will discharge all the duties pertaining those of a governor as stated in the Constitution with the exception of nominating, appointing or dismissing county officials, a task that is only assigned to the governor.