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County Assemblies Forum boss under fire

The chairman of the County Assemblies Forum Johnson Osoi has come under fire from a section of county assembly Speakers over claims he is partisan.
Mr Osoi who is also the Kajiado assembly Speaker has criticised Nasa leader Raila Odinga over his calls for the formation of people’s assemblies, saying county assemblies had more pressing issues to deal with.
“Nasa Principal Raila Odinga’s call is not in any provision of the law,” Mr Osoi said.
But on Sunday, county assembly Speakers’ from Nyanza criticised Mr Osoi and warned him against using the forum to further Jubilee interests.
Led by Siaya Speaker George Okode, they told Mr Osoi to stop misusing the office.
“He should stop using the platform or we will censure him. Mr Osoi must stop talking on behalf of assemblies and instead talk about his Kajiado Assembly. At no point did the forum discuss the issue of people’s assembly,” Mr Okode said, adding that they would not be blackmailed to ignore the Nasa calls.
Mr Osoi, said Mr Okode, should remain neutral in discharging his mandate and only comment on issues the forum has deliberated on and made resolutions.
“Individual assemblies have individual positions depending on their political persuasions.
“The people’s assemblies is about governance and there can never be anything more pressing than governance issues,” Mr Okode said.
Mr Odinga had asked county assemblies to help establish the People’s Assembly to help the opposition push its reform agenda.

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