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13 women join fight for top Nakuru County jobs

Only 13 women have applied for positions of chief officers in Nakuru County against 85 male applicants.
The interviews to fill in the positions as Governor Lee Kinyanjui’s administration takes shape, are set to kick off on November 9.
Women applicants are missing in the critical dockets of Finance, Livestock and Fisheries, Economic affairs, Water and the office of the county attorney.
According to the names released by the County Public Service Board chairman Waithanji Mutiti, four women led by the County Director of Education Millicent Anyango Yugi were shortlisted for the chief officer in the Education department.
Other women shortlisted in the critical department that has 24 men applicants include Egerton University don Patricia Wanjiru Gathia, Jane Mwai and Leah Wangari Kaburu.
The Gender, Culture and Social services docket has attracted seven applicants and among the four women shortlisted include former nominated MCA Catherine Njeri Waweru.
Others seeking the job include Ms Beatrice Njeri Mathenge, Ms Mercy Muthoni Wahome and Ms Rose Tume Abduba.

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